Hotel Woodland Nainital

Cancellation Policy

  • Guests can cancel their bookings anytime by a call on the contact numbers provided on the website or via email at
  • In case you do not show up at booked Property, charges for the first day/night will be deducted.
  • If you decide to shorten your stay after Check-In, you will be charged for one extra day/night as a cancellation fee.
  • In case of a booking amount has already been paid, the applicable refund amount will be credited to you within 7-14 working days.
  • Hotel Woodland shall not be held liable to refund the booking amount or any part due to any mishappening like a natural disaster (earthquake, landslide, etc.), terrorist activity, war, government guidelines, or any force majeure act, beyond the control of Hotel Woodland
  • We reserve the right to deny check-in under the following circumstances
  • Where guests are unable to provide a valid government identity and residential proof.
  • Minor guests are traveling unaccompanied with their parents/guardians
  • If is there are any suspicious activities found or noticed of the Guests.
  • Under all such circumstances, Hotel Woodland shall be under no obligation to refund any amount to the Guest.

Cancellation Charges:

  • 100% refund in case of cancellation 30 days before check in date
  • 50% refund in case of cancellation 16 to 30 days before check-in date
  • No refund in case of cancellation within 15 days before check-in date

Contact Policies:

  • We will contact you any time before your check-in date to confirm your arrival status/arrival time through calls or messages or email.
  • If we have not received a response after multiple contact attempts, then your booking may be put on hold or canceled.
  • Hotel Woodland will reinstate your booking when you contact us back or make a payment through our secure payment options, subject to availability.
  • We may reach out to you for your valuable feedback on your experience through calls or messages.
  • We might reach out to you for offers.

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